Friday, June 14, 2013

6 months, day 18 -

Not much to report; friends from England have been in Stockholm for a conference, and we've met up a couple times. I've been enjoying time and conversations spent with a female adult human being (I think my first since arriving here). Pictures with them coming tomorrow (or more likely Sunday). This evening we took a ferry to the island of Lidingo, a suburb of Stockholm, where we had a lovely dinner with friends-of-friends, and where Augie chewed the carpet.

The coolest kids in the park:

Still life with Lulu:

Augie's first boat ride, to Gåshaga on Lidingo:


  1. can't tell you how much we enjoy all the pictures--thank you for sharing just special moments. Very special to watch him grow and learn. You are amazing parents.

  2. didn't mean JUST, meant SUCH! Tired grandma.
