Tuesday, June 25, 2013

6 months, day 29 -

In all my excitement yesterday about talking and standing, I forgot to mention something else Augie has developed: teeth! He's had the bottom two for over a month now, but in the last week or so he's sprouted 3 top teeth! It's very hard to get him to sit still while smiling, but we'll get a picture as soon as we can.

We didn't do much today; I'm exhausted from going out and about every day, so we decided to stay close to home.

Augie started the day with some gymnastics. At least, that's what I think this is:

As is the new norm, I had trouble putting him to sleep when it was time for his first nap. I heard him moving around and peeked through the door to see him working on his pull-ups:

Eventually I got him to sleep, and when he woke up two hours later he was very happy:

So we went to the park:

And Augie nibbled a bit:

I tried to settle him down for one last nap for the day. As usual, I heard him moving around, so I peeked in to find him entirely upright, standing perfectly still - his best stance to date! The picture isn't great, but you can just barely see him staying on his stripy feet:

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