Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6 months, day 8 - Chillin'

We're all still adjusting to the time change, but so far it hasn't been as bad as I'd anticipated. I suppose that's partly because I don't mind staying up with Augie until midnight, considering I don't have anywhere to be in the morning. And also because we aren't used to him sleeping through the night anyway, so broken sleep in Sweden isn't any worse than broken sleep in New Jersey. In fact, it's better here, because his best stretch of sleep is from about 12 midnight - 5am; back home it was from 7pm - 12 midnight. I'm getting more sleep than I have in months!

We tried carrots again tonight, and Augie had more or less the same reaction as yesterday - what the h@#l are you putting in mouth, Mum? Maybe we'll move on to something else tomorrow.

Today's pictures are a smattering from our days here.

This morning:

Another shot from the park (see here for the previous picture), notice the other strollers (pushchairs):

Our kitchen (note the location of Augie's playthings):

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