Saturday, March 7, 2015

My little Leif at 5 months

Yesterday afternoon Leif mastered the back-to-front rollover. He'd been very close for a week or so, and then finally yesterday, while August and I were doing some scissors work (cutting strips of blue and green paper for an art project today that failed miserably), I glanced down to see him finally make the roll all by himself. He repeated two or three times, and then again with James. Today he's rolled a bunch of times, too, so I'd say that trick's in the bag. But, he hasn't done the front-to-back roll in a long time, which I say is good because it means he's still mostly stationary and we don't have to wrap his head in bubble-wrap. Yet.

It also seems like he's been wanting to be a side sleeper for a few weeks now but hasn't quite figured out the hip part of it: he gets his shoulders all twisted around but his hips aren't stacked, so as soon as he falls asleep his shoulders slingshot onto his back and he wakes up all pissed. Hoping he can put all those pieces together soon, too, and start sleeping better on his side.

August has been sick, burning with fever in the nights, but mostly fine -- if the tiniest bit slower -- during the day. He seems a bit better this evening.

Without further adieu, the pictures.

And the video (try to ignore me cooing in the background):

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