Friday, March 20, 2015

Captain Chaos and the Hooded Dumpling

James is away in Berlin for a couple days, and I'm flying solo with the wee bairns (credit to Joshua). I'm mostly exhausted, but that's nothing new, right? He'll be home in the morning, so I only have about twelve more hours of musical beds to play.

One of James's best friends is in town with his wife, and they were gracious enough to bring takeout over this evening (gluten-free pizza) and play with August while I helped Leif go to sleep. It's nice to have old friends here.

August loves riding bikes and peddles furiously when he has an open pitch. It's a bit terrifying to watch, but he's actually quite good at steering and (narrowly) avoiding obstacles and collisions.

This little one has spent a lot of time in his stroller as we do dagis pick-up, and he's getting better with waiting patiently outside while I'm in getting August dressed to come home. If you can zoom in on this first picture, you can just make out his new teeth!

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