Monday, March 2, 2015

More of the band-aid boy

I finally plugged in the big camera today after a couple weeks and found some great pictures - stay tuned over the next couple days for some great Leif shots. But I want to share more of Captain Chaos wrapped in his band-aids, first.

I take pride (though "pride" probably isn't the right word) in the fact that we almost never ask August (or Leif) to smile for photos. I keep meaning to write a post about that. We just take pictures, and let the boy(s) just be. I think you get truer, more compelling photos that way. Of course we get lots of pictures with smiles, and we love them - particularly because they are genuine smiles, not parent-imposed smiles.

(I think that's dried snot mixed with marinara sauce he's sporting.)

In this one, August was fascinated with the flash popping up before each picture and thought it was soo funny.

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