Monday, March 16, 2015

Big walkabout

Two weekends ago we had one of the first beautiful spring-like days, and we went for a long walk around town. We started by playing at a big park nearby, and then put the boys in the stroller for their naps while we walked along the water through much of the city. We ended by stopping at a historic house in our neighborhood.

Oh - and yesterday was James's birthday! He wanted a day of food, so he treated himself to his favorite cafes for breakfast and lunch and then our favorite Indian restaurant (thanks, Mom!) for dinner. Also, one of James's best friends from his PhD is visiting Stockholm with his wife, so we spent a couple hours walking and talking with them. We finished the night with one candle in a batch of homemade brownies after the boys went to bed. I have pictures of none of this.

But I do have pictures of our big walkabout!

Double nap in the double stroller:

At the historic house:

He's so cheeky! And we've taught him to say "cheeky monkey":

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