Saturday, March 14, 2015

Chasing Chaos

James was teaching last week (and will be again next week), so I was in charge of pick-up every day. I love picking up August from dagis: I try to sneak up so he doesn't see me, so I can see what he's doing and watch how he plays when he doesn't know I'm around. But, all the kids know the parents now, so as soon as one of his little friends spies me, I start hearing "August mama, August mama!" and then August starts looking for me. As soon as I walk through the gate or into the building, a little friend will come up and tell me "August är där" and point in whatever direction August is playing. It's very cute.

But. August has been having a hard time with James being gone at work even just a few hours longer, so he's had a hard time this week. So after I've picked him up, we three (Leif and I remain inseparable, as needs be) have gone to a big park to play until James can join us.

This usually ends up with me chasing August.

Taken a different day from the above shots - what it looks like when we get home without Baba:

This page is from a book called Weslandia that August enjoys. This afternoon he pulled my hand mixer from a kitchen cupboard and took the beaters out. "Wes-land-ya!" he shouted, and ran to his room. A few minutes later I followed him to find this - the beaters, to him, looked like the lacrosse stick-like implements they're using in this game. I thought it was so cool to see him making that connection between totally unlike, unrelated objects.

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