Thursday, March 12, 2015

Little napping wonder

Our sleep experience with Leif has been a trip. We've gone from it being impossible to get him to sleep to him easily putting himself to sleep for every nap and bedtime back to it being a major chore to help him get to sleep; from four or five 45-minute naps per day to a couple one-three hour naps per day; from getting up every two hours overnight to only getting up once back to getting up every two hours. As soon as we get used to a sleeping pattern, it changes.

When we visited the nurse yesterday she basically said Yep, that sounds right. With all the developmental stuff going on, and his shifting milk requirements, it's normal for sleep to be wonky at this age. It is so nice to have our health care provider tell us this and reiterate how normal it is. In the US, you can be shamed to think that if your baby isn't sleeping through the night at a ridiculously early age (3 months!), you are doing something wrong and have probably f&*ked up your baby's chance to become a good sleeper for the rest of his life. Here in Sweden, the biological norm is understood and accepted: segmented sleep is just the way it goes for a while. You aren't a bad parent if your infant sleeps like...a baby.

I used to post a ton of pictures of Augie sleeping; because Leif sleeps in a much darker room I don't have many of him. But, here:

Leif and I went on a little adventure yesterday to our new neighborhood to check out preschools for August. It was a gorgeous spring day in the countryside.

 I didn't like one of the schools but really like the other, but the one I liked is a bit out of the way so I don't know if we'll choose it. It's a Waldorf school.

A little art installation by August:

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