Friday, March 27, 2015

It's ours!

It's true, it's final, it's official: the apartment is ours! The keys are ours! The mortgage debt is ours!

We learned when we went out there this week that the whole complex is heated with geothermal heating, and all the water is pumped in from the sea and desalinated on site. We'll start moving (slowly) after we return from the US mid-April, with the intention of being out there full time by the beginning of May. August will start at his new dagis (a Waldorf preschool) on May 5.

Even Leif is excited:

Here's a video walkthrough, replete with construction noise:

Beautiful wood floors, marble windowsills:

Fresh appliances that no one has ever used before

Pretty much all the white space you see out the windows is water:

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