I forgot to mention that Augie turned eighteen months on Wednesday! I forgot until the day was done, not that Augie would have noticed if I'd said or done anything. We had our eighteen-month appointment with the pediatrician on Friday, which was pretty much miserable for Augie. For some reason he hates being measured. Well, it's probably the whole thing - taking his clothes off, plopping him on the scale, trying to lay him flat on his back to measure his height. (For the record, he was 27.5 pounds but we aren't sure of his height because he wouldn't let us measure him. We think he's about 33-33.5 inches). The vaccination he got was the easiest part of the visit!
He's starting to talk a ton. He has at least fifteen words now, his most recent being "ON!", as in "Turn the light ON, Mom!". He usually yells and points to a light when he says it. Other fairly recent additions include keys (his favorite toy), cheese, and juice.
He continues to be helpful, as you can see from the first photo below. He especially loves helping us with the laundry, and whenever he takes an article of clothing off, he immediately runs to the washer to put it in. He use a red chair to let him help put things in the washer and move them to the drier, so he's also started running to the red chair and trying to drag it across the floor when he wants to do some laundry (read: knob twisting).
He's become very opinionated and has regular power surges. I blame his impatience on his father (seriously!) and his power surges on me. When he's very mad he walks around hitting things with an open palm, yelling either "NO!" or "ARH!"

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