Friday, May 16, 2014

Yum yum

Augie and I had a little outing yesterday afternoon. We went to the library in Princeton, then to my favorite gluten-free bakery & cafe in Lawrenceville, then to a park in Pennington. A good time was had by all, though at least one of us was thoroughly worn out by the end of the day.

By the way, his language is really coming along. While he doesn't articulate words very well (except, alas, "No!"), through careful listening I've realized that he has consistent words for certain things, like banana, keys (his current favorite toy), and as of yesterday, juice. I went into the kitchen to pour him a small glass of juice and told him what I was doing; from the dining table he shouted out, perfectly, "juice!". (Though, since he doesn't get to drink juice very often, that's not a word that's likely to stick). He regularly tries to imitate what we say. As mentioned before, his clearest word is "No!". He never says "no" - it's always a resounding, loud, clear, "No!". I spent all yesterday trying to make the word of the day "Yes!", but he wasn't having any of it. And while I don't particularly enjoy the repetition of that word, it is such a joy to hear his voice, his clear little voice, saying something.

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