Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Learning and practicing

Augie loves doing what we do. And he loves helping too. He puts his clothes in the washing machine after taking them off (with help), he unloads clean (and sometimes dirty) silverware from the dishwasher, and he's getting very good with following simple orders (put that carton back in the cupboard, put the instrument back in the basket).

Here are a couple things he's been practicing the past few days.

Reading a potty book while sitting on the potty (note: while he was doing a good job with our early potty learning efforts in Stockholm, we really slacked off when he started at preschool, so we're essentially back to square one now):

Trying to clip his toenails:

Trying to clip my toenails! The funny thing about these photos is that we aren't able to clip his nails - fingers or toes - anymore while he is awake. He refuses to hold still and tried to take the clippers from us. So now I sneak attack him while he's sleeping, but he still knows what do to!

1 comment:

  1. Had to chuckle seeing Augie on the potty seat with pants on since so many pictures of him are during "air time!" Busy fella.
