Friday, May 9, 2014

Sliding up, sliding down

Augie spent most of today saying, "upp" (emphasis on the 'p'). Sometimes he said it to actually mean he was going or wanted up (or down), but mostly it seemed that he said it just because he could. It's almost shocking how much he communicates now, signing "more" or "please" or babbling away when he wants something, pointing and sometimes demanding the object of his attention. He is becoming ever more willful and gets very angry when he doesn't get what he wants. He power surges, often smacking a door or chair or wall or whatever's nearby when he's upset. I suppose he takes after his mama...

He had loads of fun at music class this morning, took a nice long nap, and then woke up ready to play this afternoon. We went to the park to get some outdoor time.

He went up the slide:

He went down the slide:
And then he discovered the best way to go down the slide:

With a smug look of satisfaction, he did it again:

And again:

And again:

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