Saturday, May 10, 2014

The key boy

Augie's obsession of the past two days has been keys. He's been watching us long enough to know how they work, so now when he has his hands on a set of keys, he walks around trying to unlock everything - doors, chairs, you name it. He'll spend 10-15 minutes sitting next to a chair, attempting to "unlock" a screw by trying every key on the ring many, many times. He walks around the house just looking for screw heads or holes of any kind, and then he sets to work.

I love this phase where he watches everything we do and tries to mimic (or help). It's obvious that he wants to participate in family life and do what we're doing, so we're always trying to find ways that he can help us.

Trying on the keys on his roadster:

Trying to unlock the chair:

And a cutie-pie extra shot for you - wearing Baba's t-shirt:

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