Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our local park

We're starting to feel really excited about making this apartment our home. We have big plans to rearrange all the rooms tomorrow (seriously, three out of four rooms are changing their purpose entirely!); the most important thing about doing this is that it gets Augie out of this little hovel of a "bedroom":

And they call this a civilized country!

We also have to do some major rearranging before our things arrive in a couple weeks - we're going to be overwhelmed with stuff. We got rid of so much before we left, but I'm sure it will still be a shock to see how much arrives. Luckily there's actually a decent amount of space here, we just have to figure out how to use it well.

We've been sleeping on a terrible mattress, and James and I have been waking up with backaches; this weekend we're going to buy a great big bed that we can all sleep in. Augie has been sleeping with us the last few nights, and we love it. That said, we want him to get back into sleeping in his own bed before the new baby comes. Back in Princeton, he would sleep most of the night in his bed, and then come to ours when he woke in the night (anywhere between midnight and 6am, though usually around 4am).

* * *

We spend a lot of time at the local park. It's just a block away, there's an area for Augie-sized creatures, a little splash pool, and lots of space to run around. James usually takes Augie there in the morning while I get a little extra sleep (the baby needs it!), and then there's usually another trip there in the afternoon.

Augie wheeling around Parklek Högalid:

Here he is in the splash pool. We love that children here often go swimming naked, and it isn't a big deal to let your kid run around with no clothes on (though last week there was an accident in the pool, from a kid right next to Augie, but we've learned that they empty and clean the pool out regularly). After they swim, you'll often see kids running around the rest of the playground naked.

Tomorrow we begin the big apartment rearrange (with some help from James's friends for the heavy lifting), and then in the afternoon we're hoping to go check out a town where we're considering buying a house.

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