Friday, August 29, 2014

Baba's back and it's time to snarfle

What a big day for us: Augie's first day at his new school (he'll be attending full-time for the first time ever), and James is back! Augie and I went to school in the morning and James met us there (just hours after his flight back from the US). It was a much-needed break for me, and some much-needed Baba time for Augie.

When they came home in the afternoon, we went into the bedroom for a big family snarfle. James would throw him around, snarfle him, kiss him, and tickle him, and when he'd stop, Augie would sit up and ask for more. He was so excited.

By the way, the bump on his head is gone and he's doing just fine today.

Snarfle session:

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