Friday, August 22, 2014


We've spent the last two days settling in more: two IKEA runs, more furniture moving, unpacking, laundry, etc. This place is very close to feeling like a home. I'll try to post some pictures in the next week as I get it a little more organized. I'm terrified, though, of what's going to happen when our stuff arrives from the US - there's nowhere to put it all! I actually have minor panic attacks when I think about it.

James leaves early tomorrow morning for a week in the US (his naturalization interview, exam and oath!), leaving me here alone with Augie. I don't know how I'm going to survive. I'm almost 8 months along now, and I'm more exhausted and fatigued than I've ever been - and that's with James here to do early mornings, dinners, baths, and bedtime (and more)! Augie's Uncle Robert will be here a couple days to help out, and I hope the two of them have some fun together. My posting will probably be erratic for a week or so.

Yesterday's nap - the last time any of us will sleep in that horrible bed:

"Helping" James put together the new bed:

I'll try to keep up with posting, photo-taking, and city-exploring, but mostly I'll just try to survive the next seven days.

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