Tuesday, August 12, 2014

That hair!

Can you believe the hair?:

We finally feel like we are getting settled. The exhaustion and stress from packing, flight delays, and arriving here are passing; today was the first day that I actually felt good (rather than tired, cranky, and unsettled). Augie seems happy, except when bedtime comes: I think he hates his room (which, in all fairness, isn't really a bedroom and is just an entryway with a bed thrown in it, with no natural light - it depresses me going in there for just a minute), and bedtime has become a major endeavor. The first few nights bedtime was fine, as he was so exhausted and jet-lagged he fell asleep nursing with a few minutes and that was that; now that he's settled into a normal wake-sleep routine, he fights bedtime with all his little might (and this kid has a lot of might).

We're considering staying in this apartment if we can find a way to make the stairs manageable, and rearranging the rooms so that Augie has a humane place to sleep. It's shocking how little concern or care is given tenants here, and we're having a funny (only in that it isn't funny at all, but borderline offensive/abusive) conversation with the property owner about what we can do to make this place livable (and fix the small things that were broken when we moved in). You'd think we'd asked the owner to change the airport's flight path so planes would no longer fly overhead, the way he's treating us. Alas - just some of the bumps on the road to acquainting ourselves with the Swedish culture, I suppose.

James has been easing into work while spending a lot of time at home while we also get used to a new routine. I figure that just when we all get used to our new life, the little one will pop out and everything will be on its head again.

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