Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We found a new park

Our Norwegian neighbors tipped us off to a park we hadn't been to, across a long bridge on an island called Kungsholmen. We all three (four!) walked there this morning, then James took the bus to work and Augie and I played. It was fantastic! It's got so much for little ones to do and explore, both climbing/play equipment and areas designed to ignite the imagination. I saw a dad from our local park there, too, and he was there for the same reason I was - sometimes we just get sick of going to the same place every day (twice a day). I'm very excited to take Augie there again and again!

 Flying high on the swings:

This slide was really big so I tried to go down with him the first time - but he just pushed off without me and left me at the top! He ran up the stairs and went down again about 5 times. He loved it.

These are Augie's favorite things on playgrounds: he rocks back and forth like a wild man.

One of those high-imagination areas: a "garage" where the kids can give all the bicycles and tricycles and carts tune-ups and such:

Apropos of nothing else in this post, the view from our living room window:

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