Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 1 alone: survived

Not much to report here. James took off at 5:30 this morning so Augie and I were on our own all day. The morning was a bit of a disaster (putting clothes on him is the battle to end all battles, and is the biggest test of my mettle as a mother), but when I finally got him dressed we went to the park and came home for a three-hour nap together. Three hours! We both needed it.

The afternoon was much easier: we met with some friends we made last winter at a nearby park, and the kids ran around while the mothers chatted. The mother, Wendy, is English (Australian? Oh, I'm so embarrassed that I can't easily peg her accent and that I don't remember her history!), and has offered to be part of our Augie-care team when I go into labor. Plan A when I go into labor is for Ah Mah to make it here in time to be with him, but we're not counting on that happening so we're building a support team. Right now, our most likely plan (which we're calling Plan C) is for a world-famous scientist we befriended last winter to come to the hospital with me to act as a sort-of doula while James stays with Augie (and then, if possible, when the baby's about to come, she and James would swap places). The things you don't consider when moving to a foreign country at the end of your pregnancy: what's going to happen with the older baby? I've never spent a night away from him. In the end he'll be fine, but a mama worries about her baby when she's not there... (though I'll be plenty busy and occupied when this comes to pass!).

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