Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 167 alone: home stretch

James is now an American citizen! He passed his interview and swore his allegiance to the stars and stripes on Monday, got his American passport on Tuesday, and is boarding his first international flight as an American today! He'll be back with us tomorrow morning.

No, it's not really day 167 alone, but it certainly feels like it. When Augie woke up at 6 this morning and I struggled through breakfast and his antics, I thought, "Gosh, I can't wait for Augie's nap today because I'm not going to make it through the day without it." And then Augie took a nasty fall off of his ride-on thing (he was going backwards, as he likes to do, and got caught on a rug) and bonked his head hard - very hard - on the edge of a bookshelf and immediately got a giant goose egg. I nursed him to help him call down and he fell asleep, but when I put him down on the bed he woke up and yelled in pain - so a nap at home wasn't to be for either of us. (For those concerned, I paid close attention all day and he's been fine - normal activity level, normal pupil dilation, normal wackiness, and the goose egg has gone way down, so I'm not worried about deeper damage).

I figured he'd be able to sleep just fine in the stroller if I left him sitting up, so we got on the bus and went back to our neighborhood - the university. There's a 4-H farm there, and I thought he'd like to see the rabbits and pigs and run around in the sunshine. He did!

He's now sleeping, I'm recovering, and thinking about getting into bed pretty soon because he'll be up early tomorrow, and I should be well-rested for his first day at preschool.

Oh, and he made 21 months today. So close to 2!

Normally Augie hates wearing hats of any kind and rips them off within seconds of us putting them on - but I put this on myself this morning and he seemed to find it funny enough to imitate:

My little snack buddy at the cafe near the farm:

He loved the rabbits!

Wandering through the community gardens:

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