Friday, August 30, 2013

9 months - Family swim time

I somehow convinced James to knock off from work a bit early so that we could have family time at the pool. We haven't loved living in an apartment complex at the margins of town (understatement), but we've maximized the utility of the place by playing lots of tennis on the courts here (pre-baby) and swimming for much of the summers (the pool was a lifesaver when I was pregnant last year and it was too hot to even go for a walk). But really, we're only just beginning to discover the joys of having a pool now that we have a wee one around.

First, we get our gear on and stroll around poolside:

To make sure everyone has an opportunity to notice the guy who can pull off a hot pink shirt, we take our time strolling to the water:

But we gotta stop to see who's checking us out from behind:

He's too sexy for his hat:

Always test the waters before getting in:

But when you hit the water, man, you just gotta let go and have fun:

And everyone has to try a new Instagram effect now and then:

This is the last weekend for the pool, as Labor Day marks the end of summer. I'm glad summer's over, actually: it's always too hot to play outside, and even Augie gets a bit irascible in the heat. Autumn's coming, the most luscious time of the year, and I'm looking forward cuddling up with my boys, wearing plaid scarves, and lingering over bowls of lentil soup with red wine. What are you looking forward to? 

1 comment:

  1. August is such a skilled gymnast ! Since 8 months 10 days when he was doing the laundry and now checking out the behind with this manoeuvre is just soooooo cute ! Ah Mah x
