Sunday, August 25, 2013

8.75 months - Friends in Brooklyn

We've done more socializing in the last three days than we've done in the last three months, which is why I've been neglectful of posting. Lucky for you, we don't plan on having any more fun for at least another few days, so I can spend some time catching up on photos, emails, and trips to the pool.

Today we went to Brooklyn, as friends of mine - a colleague from my last job and his family - are moving to Chicago soon. They had a gathering in Prospect Park, and many of my old work friends were there. Unfortunately, I didn't remember to take any pictures because I was consumed with talking to people and keeping an eye on Augie. James snapped a few, though.

Augie eating Deb's delicious bundt pan:

My first try at the double-baby hold, with Micah and Augie:

Obviously, they both loved it:

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