Saturday, August 31, 2013

9 months - Lunch with Linden

Yesterday we were fortunate to have guests for lunch: Linden and Auntie Kristin. Not only did Linden show off his ability to eat without splattering banana on the wall, he also gave Augie a little lesson in standing with no hands. (And today, Augie showed off his student skills by standing for a full ten seconds on his own!)

Augie had his supreme commander's chair, but Linden was just as happy in his tie chair (that's Auntie Kristin rummaging through the fridge, in case you thought it was me):

For dessert, let's nibble some sea creatures:

Wait, I wanted that octopus!

Fine, I'll get ready to practice my squat-stand here and chew on a dolphin:

I'm sorry, do you mind if I just sort of stand right on top of you?

Man, that Linden guy just wore me out:

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