Thursday, August 29, 2013

9 months - Augie at 9 months

Here's Augie now:

He weighs almost 21 pounds and measures 29.5 inches. He's still spiderman crawling, pulling to standing, and now he's mastered cruising, making laps around our living room furniture. He's babbling more and more, with ever more intonation. He claps his hands together, and along those lines, he loves to bang his egg shakers together, shake anything that rattles, and bang on his drum. He zerberts my tummy. He still loves to play hide & seek. When he gets really excited, he flaps his wings like crazy and even butt-jumps (from a sitting position, lifts himself off the ground as he flaps his arms). His pincer grip has been honed by eating cereal puffs. His favorite food at the moment is raw cucumber and roasted aubergine and courgette. When James comes home at the end of the day he crawls for the door to greet his Baba.

And a new breakthrough that makes Mama very, very happy: I can read to him now! He used to mangle books by chewing on them and refusing to let us read, but we found a couple books that he loves to look at (he starts butt jumping when he sees them!), which has allowed him to get used to sitting and looking at a story while I read it to him.

I'm having a tough time getting a good picture of him to mark 9 months; I tried today, but doing this solo just doesn't work. I have to distract Augie with the lens cap, which looks silly in his mouth, and then I have to set him down and run across the room (the room is only 7 feet wide) to get the blocks and the baby in the picture, and then he turns away from me to knock the blocks over.... I'm hoping to try again tomorrow with Baba's help.

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