Wednesday, July 3, 2013

7 months, day 6 - The long distance crawler

Augie has fully mastered "ning" and "mamamamama", so he's moved on to a new sound: "fffff." He loves working on his "fffff." He wakes up in the morning and "ffffffs", and smiles, and then "ffffffs" some more. There's often a fine mist emitting from his mouth as he "fffffs" - but it makes him so happy, so I "fffff" back, and before long we're just sitting there, grinning at each other and "fffff-ing". I have no idea what word he's working on - any guesses? (He couldn't possibly be working on his Mama's favorite word, could he?)

And his 6th tooth popped out! It's just the tiniest bit poking through the gums next to his top right  front tooth, but it's out, so maybe some of his recent fussiness will abate now. Well, at least for two days, until his next one comes in.

Prior to the last few days, Augie has reserved his commando crawling for short distance tasks, like getting to a toy that's just beyond reach. I think he viewed crawling less as a mode of locomotion and more as a way of lengthening his arms to reach a toy. But recently he seems to have realized that he can get places with his crawling, so he's started getting places. He's now clearing entire rooms with his long-distance crawls (email subscribers, click here to view the two videos):


  1. also looks like a natural swimmer--what great strokes! And just too charming.
    Who needs TV when you have Augie for entertainment?

    1. Yeah, he's quite proficient at his particular style of swimming/crawling. We're starting to wonder whether he will walk or cross-crawl first!
