Wednesday, August 14, 2013

8.5 months or so - Princeton Public Library

We try to catch story time at the Princeton Public Library as much as we can, though it doesn't always happen. We made it today - but story time is on hiatus until mid-September. Luckily, we found some other babies to hang out with.

One of the things I love about living in this area is that when we go to any of the local libraries for story time, Augie is usually one of the only white kids there. There's usually a beautiful mix of Asian, Indian, African-American, and Eastern European kids with their parents or grandparents. It's so wonderful to see, and something we're really going to miss when we move to Stockholm.

Back to today. The older kids didn't appreciate the way Augie played with the toys - they complained (rightfully so) that he was eating the train (look at those eyebrows!):

Augie really wanted Madeline's pacifier - he kept trying to take it from her, and succeeded once. He's like that - if he sees a toy he wants, he takes it, whether or not someone is playing with it (someone is usually playing with it). But to his credit, if someone takes a toy from him, he usually doesn't fuss.

Neither of these kids is Augie, but the picture was too cute:

Young reader? you might be wondering.

Nope: book eater. 

I might have had a better time chatting with the other moms than Augie had eating books, trains, and other babies' pacifiers; we'll definitely be back, story time or not.

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