Sunday, August 18, 2013

8.75 months - Mama time

Augie spends most of his time with me. As chance would have it, I spend most of my time with him. Not that either of us has any choice in the matter, our situation and finances being what they are, so thank goodness we absolutely adore each other and both enjoy giving and receiving slobbery kisses, full body hugs, and meack attacks.

However, that's also something that we're working on: giving Baba more alone time with baby and Mama more alone time with Mama. Two weeks ago was the first time I did something for and with myself (yoga class followed by a stop at the public library) while Baba took care of Augie. And I think all of us enjoyed it, and all of us learned something from it. We never meant for this to be the situation (that I spend every sleeping and waking moment with Augie), but it just sort of happened. We're finally realizing that it's better for all three of us if we do something about it.

Of course, the time away is fantastic for me, even if it's just an hour or two here and there. One of the best things about it is that I come home so happy to see him and hold him and meack attack him. But as "The Prophet" said, "Let there be spaces in your togetherness." I'm pretty sure Gibran wasn't talking about mother-son love, but still, he has a point.

I'm not sure if I do, so I'll get to the pictures now.

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