Wednesday, October 30, 2013

11 months - My little "Llama Llama" reader

To my great joy, Augie finally enjoys books - reading them, not eating them. Actually, he has for a few months now, but he really seems to engage with the stories and pictures now. And he gets very excited when his favorite books come out - the Llama Llama board books. They have a wonderful cadence and are a pleasure to read out loud. We could probably read them to him ten times every sitting. My favorite is Llama Llama Hoppity Hop, but that's just because the last page reads, "Llama llama red pajama BIG HUG NOW," and he breaks into a big smile and I get to give him a great big hug.

Baba loves that he's been trained to turn the pages - so we do the reading, and Augie does the page turning.

1 comment:

  1. James looks like he's really getting into the book...
