Monday, October 28, 2013

11 months - Monday at the farm

It was a gorgeous, warmish autumn day, so Augie and I went to Terhune Orchards to enjoy the sun and fresh air. It's the first time we've taken him since he became mobile, and I was looking forward to watching him totter around.

First he checked out the playhouse, where he showed me his peekaboo skills:

Then he had a gander at the geese (pun intended) and goats:

Do you think I was going to get him to stand still on that rock slab while I took a few steps back to take the picture? If so, you're an idiot. But rest assured he's not just 1 foot, 2 inches tall:

Excitement came when Augie spotted White Duck. He immediately set off after it:

I'll get you, White Duck:

I'm so close I can smell you, White Duck:

Come to me, White Duck! You will be mine!

I give up, White Duck. You waddle faster than I toddle.

So I will console myself with this ear of dried corn I found on the ground. Shouldn't my mother stop me from eating this? 

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