Tuesday, October 29, 2013

11 months - Eskimo face

(I realize that I owe you an 11-month update; I hope to write it tomorrow).

Before I get to today's post, I have an outtake from our day with Dava, Kristin and Jonah. This is what it looks like trying to get two 11-month-old babies to hold still, together, at the same time:

One of the best things about working a couple hours a week (if you can call screaming "Listen to Coach Jodi! If Coach Jodi is talking, then you shouldn't be! You also shouldn't be pushing, pulling, or tackling anyone else when Coach Jodi is talking!" work, that is) is getting to take a short break from Augie - and then coming back home to him.

Augie and his Baba were out for a walk when I got home this evening, and when Augie saw me, his arms shot into the air (which, to be fair, is the same thing that happens when geese fly overhead) and he sped towards me.

That face! That's his "excited to see Mama" face (and that's James's "excited to see my wife" face):

And this is his eskimo face:

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