Saturday, October 12, 2013

10 months - The little sleeping bumkin

The good news first: Augie had his best night of sleep in seven months last night! He put himself to sleep in his crib for the second night in a row, and then slept uninterrupted from 7:45pm - 3:30am! He had one more feed at 5am, and then was up for the day at 7am. Of course, I woke up at 2am wondering if he was okay, and it took me some time to settle back into sleep.

The less-than-good news: he only took one nap today, for less than 45 minutes, from 10am to 10:45am - which means that he went to bed overtired tonight and will likely sleep poorly as a result (he's already awoken once and needed to be soothed back to sleep).

I got a job working a couple hours a week as a soccer coach for a program called Soccer Shots. We had a charity fundraising event this morning for which I volunteered to help, and as James is out of town, I had to drag Augie with me. Everyone loved his butt-in-the-air crawl, so I slapped a sticker on it, and this is how he fell asleep when we got home:

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