Sunday, October 27, 2013

10 months - Augie and Jonah

Yesterday we were treated to a lovely visit from friends - Dava and Kristin came to Princeton with their son, Jonah. Jonah is four days older than Augie, and at least four pounds heavier. The boys seemed to have a great time together, and I've rarely seen Augie take to another child so well.

Dava and I went to elementary school and high school together - I remember having Salisbury steak at her house when I was about eight years old. When we were in third grade, she did her AT English (ahem, the Academically Talented program) report on porpoises. Or pinnipeds. Or maybe it was pianos? Wait, I think mine was on pianos. I know Kristin when I spent a semester at Western Michigan University - we met at orientation when we started there. I was delighted to find out, a couple years later, that they were together.

Back to the present. They live on the Hudson River north of New York City, and they drove down so that we could finally get our sons together. Dava and I have been emailing back and forth for months, commiserating and sharing successes. It was wonderful to finally see them.

In his typical glad-to-see-you way, Augie sat down on Jonah to say hello:

But Jonah was a good sport about it:

We wandered around the Princeton campus, where we stopped at the Ai Wei Wei installation to take pictures of our Year of the Dragon babes:

There's a fabulous kids' room in the Princeton University library, where the boys played with puppets:

And climbed to the top of the treehouse:

The view from below:

1 comment:

  1. I love this! We had so much fun. Thank you for a lovely afternoon. We wish that you all lived closer so that the boys could play more often. August is SUCH a sweet boy, and so generous with those kisses. He's a total charmer.
