Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10 months - Augie at 10 months

Augie made 10 months a few days ago. We don't do anything to celebrate these monthly milestones, but I do like to pause to reflect on what Augie has learned and enjoyed and begun doing in the past month.

I have to say that the last few weeks has been far and away my favorite phase with Augie. He's blossoming into a little boy, a little boy filled with joy and excitement. He's deeply enjoying his mobility (such as it is), and he's started cuddling (read: tackling) with us more and more. We've entered a phase in which I just have fun with him; yes, it's a lot of work, but suddenly the feeling of work has diminished (at least a little bit), while the feeling of play has grown. He will regularly crawl into my lap, put his hands on my face, and lean in to kiss me; when I'm sitting on the ground, he'll walk around me like a satellite - my own little moon! More and more, he's expressing his pleasure at being with us, with makes me feel like I won the lottery - at least the baby lottery.

At 10 months, Augie:

Weighs more than 22 lbs. He's still spiderman crawling and pulling to standing, but the big growth this month is that he's starting to stand unassisted, stand up from a squat, cruise with one hand, and even take a single step! He loves to turn the pages when we read (and he finally sits quietly in my lap as I read to him) and even plays with books on his own. His favorite foods right now are meat and cheese, but he also enjoys whole plums and nectarines. While sitting on his bum, he will sometimes rotate 360 degrees. He loves knobs and handles, and he's been practicing opening and closing doors and drawers.

He doesn't seem so interested in developing language right now - he's working on his motor skills and on blowing bubbles, but I have no doubt he'll have plenty to say when he starts talking.

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