Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10 months - Things on things

I told you the other day that Augie has started to understand the use of his shape-sorting toy. Learning about that day has led him to a new realization: you can put things on top of other things! He loves to take objects - like pegs, toy eggs, even his shoe - and put them on top of other objects. As soon as he's placed something on top of something else, he pulls his arms back in a big sort of "ta-da" movement, and then he starts laughing and flapping his arms. It is ridiculously cute.

Unfortunately, he's naked in the only pictures and video I have of him doing this, so I can't post them here. I do, however, have pictures of some things I've found around the apartment.

The old "peg in the egg carton" trick:

The block in the dustbuster:

 Peg in the potty (kind of unintentionally funny):

 The boy in action, putting his shoe on the shape sorter:

Not related at all, but too cute not to share: this kneeling chair was sitting in front of our computer in the living room until Augie climbed in and started using it as a walker to get around the kitchen:

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