Monday, October 7, 2013

10 months - Wedding in North Carolina

We just returned from our road trip. James remained impressed by how large the United States is (evidenced by the number of hours spent in the car driving to get only a couple map inches away), while Augie went a little stir crazy stuck in his car seat for so long.

If you don't know (because I probably didn't tell you), we went to Henderson, North Carolina (a small town in the middle of nowhere) to attend the wedding of friends from Santa Barbara. James was good friends with the groom while doing his PhD. Here are some photos from the wedding - none of the ceremony, as we were occupied with keeping Augie occupied. While doing so, I fed Augie his first ladybug! One flew onto my hand, and I held it up to show Augie; he reached out with his little pincer grasp, picked it off my hand, and put it in his mouth! He coughed once, then smiled - with a ladybug on the tip of his tongue.

The groom, Micah, is in the middle. Frank, right, was one of our closest friends in SB (along with his wife Katie, who is due in November):

Not sure what's going on here:

Or here:

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