Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The preschool streaker

When I arrived at dagis to pick up August this afternoon, one of the teachers was getting a small group of kids ready to go outside to play. August was one of them. When he saw me, he decided it would be a great idea to take all of his clothes off. So, right there, as all the other kids were getting their winter clothes on, August was getting down to his skivvies.

Thinking we'd had enough fun and knowing that his diaper was full and ready to be changed, I took it off. And off went August!

He found a pathway through open doors and ran circles around the preschool rooms completely naked. Another mom there picking up her daughter tried very hard not to laugh. She laughed.

It took me about fifteen minutes, and promises of Ah Mah-cooked brownies waiting at home, to corral him into some clothing.

He's crazy, but I love it.

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