Friday, February 6, 2015

Reaching four months

A couple days ago (or is it a full week already?) Leif reached four months old. Not much to report - he's so very close to rolling over back-to-front but he isn't quite there yet. He's been playing with sounds a lot lately, pressing his lips together and humming, and making a gorgeous squeal-purr, and sometimes just plain shouting and shrieking. He's very good at reaching out and grabbing things (which he must be learning from his brother, who snatches everything out of Leif's hands if we aren't watching, and often even if we are!). When he's well rested he's as happy as can be, just waiting to share his chubby smiles with us; when he's not well rested, which can happy all too easily as we chase Captain Chaos around, he shares his screams and squirms with us.

Teaser: we're hoping to give you news about a home in the next week!

First, a totally unrelated photo of Augie and James finger painting with homemade finger paints:

(Here's Augie at four months.)

I love that he looks a little terrified, a little confused; and just look at those tiny hands!

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