Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mommy afternoon

James returned home from his travels late Thursday night, and Ah Mah left on Friday morning. It was great having here - she was so helpful with cooking and cleaning and shopping and baby care and anything that needed doing. I'm so glad she was able to stay with us through both of James's trips - it was the first time he's traveled since Leif was born, so it was a big adjustment for us all. The toughest part, which I hadn't anticipated, was how much August needed me every evening. By dinner time every day, he had to have me with him - which made putting Leif to bed very difficult (to say the least). Thankfully, Ah Mah handled Leif with aplomb when I had to attend to August (and of course, she handled August with aplomb when I had to attend to Leif). Thanks for helping us, Ah Mah!

In the afternoon yesterday, James stayed home with Leif while I went to school to pick up August. As it was Friday, his face was painted. He said he was a cat, and I'll take his word for it.

For reasons I've not yet discerned, James didn't leave the stroller at school when he dropped August off in the morning, so we took the bus home. August loved sitting in a seat without the stroller!

We went to the church, where there's an English-speaking playground on Friday afternoons, but it was packed and neither of us really wanted to go in. So we played outside.

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