Sunday, February 1, 2015

Boys at home

Augie was off of school on Friday, so we're just finishing a three-day weekend. Augie was sick on Saturday and spent almost the entire day lying on the couch burning up.

(A little scary to have a toddler sleeping with no pants, right? He's done it four times now and hasn't wet himself.)

I think it's also because we haven't been doing huge trips each day. We used to spend at least one weekend day packing up and heading out for six hours or so, and that just exhausted us and the boys, and evenings would be so tough. Recently we've just been hanging out near home, going to the local cafe, watching movies in the evenings, doing the shopping, etc. It's making our days together so much smoother. It also helps that we've really nailed a routine with Leif, and so he's napping well and he's just full of smiles when he's awake. For example:

Today we went to a couple open houses in Sundbyberg, and found one place we really liked. We're strongly considering bidding on it! One of the best things is that there's a great playground right across the street, visible from the living room window.

James is going to Oslo this week for three days, and I'll be alone with the boys for the first time. I'm terrified. Thank goodness Leif has become such a good sport lately - I'm hoping he'll cut me some slack (because August most likely won't!). Wish me luck.

Oh - and Leif made four months on Saturday! Photos coming soon...

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