Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rolling around Gamla Stan

Yesterday morning we visited Gamla Stan. We started our trip with hot chocolate and a super-decadent Valhrona chocolate ball with whipped cream. August was in fine form after that, as you can see below.

In other news, Ah Mah arrived this afternoon for a visit of nearly two weeks! August is SO excited to have her here. James will be going to the US and Spain, which is why she came to help us - I still feel totally overwhelmed at the prospect of caring for Captain Chaos and Major Dumpling on my own.

At the cafe with Major Dumpling:

Captain Chaos getting revved up:

I have no idea why he started rolling around on the ground. It reminded me of his first trip to the sea last spring:

And then again on the subway:

And then he tried to crawl into a building across the street:

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