Tuesday, January 13, 2015


The last two days have been considerably easier than Sunday afternoon, thank goodness. Leif has slipped back into his regular sleeping schedule without a hitch (it can be hard to get the timing right when we're all together or go out wandering in the city), Augie is back to school and having fun, and we've recovered just enough to prepare for tomorrow - another family day with James at home.

I took Major Dumpling to the BVC yesterday (Barnavårdscentral) for his 3-month appointment. He was weighed and measured and had a ton of vaccinations (which might explain why he's been sleeping so well the last 36 hours!). He measures 65.1 cm long and weighs 7.390 kg -- that's 25.5 inches long and 16.25 pounds. He's still well above average for his age (3.5 months now). He's getting better at reaching for and grabbing things, and he wakes up smiling.

I put Leif down on his playmate on his back, then walked by to find this:

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