Sunday, January 18, 2015


Saturday we ventured out to check out an area where there's a new development north of Stockholm. We packed ourselves up, put the other double stroller together, and hopped on the train.

The day was a disaster.

We started the day by completely changing our plans at the last minute. We never even made it to the development, despite being 19/20ths of the way there. There were tears and yelling. There were stunted naps. And for Leif, when we got home there was lots and lots and lots of screaming from being overtired.

There was some fun mixed in, of course. It's hard to be with Augie and not have at least a little fun.

As usually happens, a terrible day was followed by a great day. We stayed home, Leif had the best napping day of his life, and Augie even fell asleep at home for a nap without nursing to sleep - for the first time ever! At one point, both boys were napping, I was reading on the couch, James was doing some work, and the house was peaceful.

Hope your weekend was great!

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