Thursday, January 8, 2015

Life over here

As suspected, my no-screens-after-9pm thing means that I'm just not able to post every night (or even every other night). And we haven't taken many pictures lately, so I don't have anything beautiful to share. A few updates, though:

We seem to be potty training Augie! I never told you, but several weeks ago (at least a month now) Augie just spontaneously peed in his potty about five times over a three-day period. We were happily surprised. It's been off and on since then, because we haven't really pushed it - we fully support and help him, of course, but we aren't forcing him to train now. He's even pooped in his little potty once! Yesterday evening he went pee in his potty three times, and asked James for a diaper when he wanted to poop. This is especially cool because we've done so little to "train" him - but we've talked about the potty a lot, we've helped him go, and we've left it up to him to actual use the potty. (Having him naked all the time pays off!)

Even better news is that the sleep situation is beginning to sort itself out. We recognized that Leif is on shorter cycles than we'd thought (he needs to be on his way to a nap one hour after he wakes up from a nap, and right now he's only napping for 45 minutes). We also recognized that our biggest problem was that we were trying to put him to sleep, when in reality, we just needed to leave him alone and let him find his way to sleep. Now, we are able to put him in his bassinet (after a short nursing and getting him in a sleeping coat), give him a pacifier, and walk out - and somewhere between 5-60 minutes later, he'll usually be asleep! It doesn't always work, and sometimes we have to lie next to him or put a hand on his tummy, but for now at least, he seems to have figured out how to put himself to sleep. (I tremble as I write this, because every time I share something about our sleep situation, it changes drastically that very day). He's doing well at night, usually with only two wake-ups.

Our next big challenge is to wean Augie off 1-2 nursings a day (he's currently doing 3). It's going to be soooo hard, as he loves the "boobies!" (and yes, that's now his preferred word for nursing).

Cleaning up while doing some pouring work with Mama:

Story time:

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