Sunday, January 11, 2015

Winter ups and downs

This morning, I was thinking that it was time to tell you that it seems like things have lightened up a bit, that it's getting a bit easier for us, that we've started to figure out Leif's routine and things are going well.

And then today happened.

Today, Leif woke up at 5:15, Augie at 5:45; Leif wouldn't nap; Augie stepped on Leif's face; Augie barely napped; we had a wonderful outdoor sledding adventure while snow fell all around us, and then Augie cried most of the way home and we had to carry him; Leif didn't nap most of the time we were out and melted down when we got home; and as usual, Augie just never stopped moving. Leif had been mostly putting himself to sleep for naps and bedtime, but today we spent hours with him, helping him calm down. We are both so utterly exhausted right now.

But watching this lightens my heart at least a little bit:

Oh, and Augie peed in his potty 5-6 times today! He's started taking his little boy undies off when he needs to go (at first he would just pee in them). He doesn't like to wear diapers anymore (he's not night potty trained, and sometimes when we go out we're gone for hours, so we feel much safer having him in a diaper while we're out.

On the happiest part of today, we finally found our ideal neighborhood! We'd given up hope that it might exist anywhere near Stockholm, but Gamla Enskede is only 15 minutes from city center via the tube and is as lovely and neighborhoody and quaint as we'd hoped for. Of course, we can't afford anything there, but it's nice to know the place exists.

A giant sledding hill in the area:

1 comment:

  1. You've discovered the parent mind-trap kids create--precious angels one minute, NOT angels the next. And you have no idea what changed! Just imagine years of this....
