Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sleepless day

Ugh - rough day around here. I spent the entire day trying to get Leif settled into a real nap - he took a bunch of 20-30 minute catnaps, but never settled into his usual 3-hour nap (he usually takes one or two during the day). I took him walking three times, but he either didn't fall asleep or woke as soon as we got home each time. And Augie didn't nap at dagis at all, so he fell asleep in the stroller on the way home and took a nap from 4-5:30pm. Lucky for us, he still fell asleep at a reasonable bedtime (8:15 or so). Unlucky for us, Leif's fantastic nighttime sleep pattern seems to have ended; he was going 5-9 hours for his first sleep, as I said, but now he's back to 3-4 hours between wakings all night long. I'm desperately hoping this is a growth spurt which makes him wake and feed more often, but I have a sinking feeling it's just the new normal.

As James was walking to dagis to pick up Augie, he ran into the mother of one of Augie's schoolmates. They had a nice chat, and then at the end she got really awkward and asked James to look at her daughter's face: there was a big gauge on her cheek where Augie had scratched her. Apparently this happens regularly, and the teachers usually miss it happening. They've assured us that his aggression is normal for this age and developmental stage, but we're pretty upset that our son is picking on someone so much. We're going to try to go to the same playgroup tomorrow afternoon so that we can see them together and step in if (more likely when) Augie gets aggressive and teach him that this is not appropriate behavior. We're really hoping this behavior stops soon...

On an entirely cuter note, look at this guy:

He's actually sleeping in this picture, with his eyes open. He does it all the time, and it's creepy;

He's beginning to be able to find his hands fairly often, and when he does, much smacking of lips adn sucking of fingers can be heard:

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