Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy 2nd birthday, my love!

Augie turned two today! Wow! Two years of loving and being continually amazed by this beautiful little tyrant who runs circles around me, who exhausts me, who fills me with joy and wonder with his own joy and wonder. He's such a funny little boy - he's such a little boy. He's not a baby anymore (though of course he will always be my baby).

We've decided to spend the entire weekend celebrating him. Today was just the kick-off - a couple small presents to get him started. Tomorrow we'll do fun things and give him his big gift, and then Sunday we'll have a party with friends. I can't wait to share all the merriment with him (and with you!).

When he got home from dagis (where he ate 4 servings worth of lunch!) this afternoon he took a short nap, and then we cuddled on the couch to read.

After dinner we gave him a small gift - a star box (he is so into stars right now - or, as he calls them, twinkles) filled with dark chocolate squares: 

After dinner we went to his room to open a couple presents. The bag around his neck was a gift from Auntie Tina - he keeps growing like a tiger and pointing at the tiger on the front:

An airplane from Ah Mah and Granddad - he loved it!

(Email subscribers, click here to see a video of him playing with the airplane)

He knows that bags are for going out, so he picked up his airplane and ran for the front door. I helped him put on his boots and we went for a walk through the building:

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