Sunday, November 23, 2014

What a s*&t show

Thank goodness the weekend is over! I never thought I'd say that, but man - what a shit show! I'll spare you the details and just give you the summary: whining, uncontrollable body-shaking crying, begging for "nurses", refusing naps, not nursing, too much nursing, early wake-ups, late bedtimes, and double meltdowns. Augie wasn't in school on Friday so we were all home together, and Friday and Saturday were messy. At one point Leif was crying so hard that I was minutes away from taking him to the hospital (James put him in the Beco carrier and he fell asleep within minutes and was fine). Just nasty days. Today, however, was great; no whining or crying from Augie, both boys fell asleep for long morning naps (Leif even put himself to sleep for a little bit), then we went for a lovely family walk to a church to listen to some music in the afternoon and enjoyed a quadruple-chocolate treat on the way. It seems that all of a sudden, when Leif gets overtired, he just loses it and screams in the most heartbreaking way, his whole little body shuddering and screaming for the end of the world.

This is from the end of the day Saturday; I actually think this photo makes me look good considering the state I was in:

But we woke up on Sunday and had some of this:

 Looking at Mama during tummy time:

This is what the end of tummy time usually looks like:

Sharing our mega-chocolate treat this afternoon (Augie ate half of mine):

While we were at the concert in the church, I was trying to distract Augie while we were in the children's alcove and I pulled over a big pile of wooden puzzles - everyone turned to look at me. I was so embarrassed!

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