Thursday, November 27, 2014

Quickie update

Not much to show you - haven't been taking pictures lately and have been absolutely exhausted. Pictures below are leftovers I found on my phone.

At a park yesterday, Augie pointed to a statue of a naked woman (let's say a goddess) and said, "Mama!" Then he pointed at me and the statue and said "Two mamas!"

Had a follow-up appointment today for Leif's laryngomalacia; turns out there wasn't much reason to go. She offered to do another procedure to check out what's going on, but at only three weeks after the first procedure, it's unlikely there would be any change - and I'm not letting stick a tube up my baby's nose unless it's necessary! She reiterated that as long as he's gaining weight and we aren't worried, he's fine and there's no cause for concern.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers! This is the first year ever I've done absolutely nothing to celebrate, and I feel the worse for it. We were invited to a dinner on Sunday, but that's the day we are going to celebrate Augie's birthday. He turns two tomorrow! Holy shit! We're having a few of his friends over for cake and toddler mischief Sunday afternoon. We'll also try to do some of Augie's favorite things this weekend - go to a construction site, ride bicycles, dig in the sand, and eat waaay too many olives. And on Saturday, Leif will be two months.

Okay, here are the remainder pics from my phone. Hoping to get much better pictures to you after this weekend.

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